Introduction to Public Health for Chiropractors

Michael T Haneline; William C Meeker
Jones & Bartlett Publishers

Introduction to Public Health for Chiropractors is included in the 2015 edition of the essential collection of Doody (TM)s Core Titles. Doody's Book Review Score: 964 Stars! Public health is of concern.

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to practicing chiropractors, as well as chiropractic students. The vast majority of chiropractors utilize public health concepts every day as an integral part of patient care. For instance, chiropractors give advice on risk factors that should be avoided and protective factors to be added by their patients to enhance healing and prevent illness. Public health is also part of the curriculum at all chiropractic colleges and is tested by the National Board. This text fills the need for a public health textbook specifically designed for the chiropractor. This book will not only be of interest to chiropractic students, but also practicing chiropractors because it will provide information they can utilize to provide better care by positively intervening with their patients and their communities regarding public health matters.