Teaching for Critical Thinking: Tools and Techniques to Help Students Question Their Assumptions

Brookfield, Stephen D.

praise for previous books by stephen d. brookfield "Award-winning author Stephen Brookfield offers insight, inspiration, and down-to-earth advice to all teachers in settings as diverse as college, adult.

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education, and secondary schools--on how to thrive on the unpredictability of classroom life."--Better Teaching "The author [relates] some of his own personal experiences as an educator in encouraging critical thinking. His insight and honesty in relating these experiences is valuable and interesting."--CBE Report "Brookfield's book will serve as an effective focus that can facilitate faculty in thinking critically about their work, their community, their relationships, not only individually but collaboratively."--Teaching Sociology "He offers clear, jargon-free, and unpretentious guidance." --Reference & Research Book News "The author is so darned good at finding and highlighting the key research." --Training "Brookfield illustrates practically his major scholarly interest in this readable, innovative, and perceptive book on college teaching."--Choice