The Marginal Revolutionaries : How Austrian Economists Fought the War of Ideas


A group history of the Austrian School of Economics, from the coffeehouses of imperial Vienna to the modern-day Tea Party The Austrian School of Economicsa movement that has had a vast impact on economics,.

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politics, and society, especially among the American rightis poorly understood by supporters and detractors alike. Defining themselves in opposition to the mainstream, economists such as Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Joseph Schumpeter built the School's international reputation with their work on business cycles and monetary theory. Their focus on individualismand deep antipathy toward socialismultimately won them a devoted audience among the upper echelons of business and government. In this collective biography, Janek Wasserman brings these figures to life, showing that in order to make sense of the Austrians and their continued influence, one must understand the backdrop against which their philosophy was formednotably, the collapse of the AustroHungarian Empire and a halfcentury of war and exile.