The Jewish Bible After the Holocaust (Hardcover)

Emil L Fackenheim
Indiana University Press

In 1926 Martin Buber published a groundbreaking essay titled "The Man of Today and the Jewish Bible." Reprinted numerous times since, that essay has helped several generations of Jews and Christians to.

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find a believing contact with what to Christians is the Old Testament and to Jews, the Ta'nach. More than sixty years later the task must be redone. The Central European intellectuals of whom Buber wrote in 1926 were disillusioned with modern secularism. Jews of today, having suffered the Holocaust and experienced the rise of the State of Israel, must find new ways to make meaningful contact with the Bible. Emil L. Fackenheim provides a modern interpretation of the Bible for the Jew of today and presents new possibilities for a shared Jewish-Christian reading. His book will be of considerable importance to students of Jewish thought and to anyone interested in issues of Jewish-Christian dialogue.