The European Union (Paperback)

Lecturer and Director of Teaching Quality Daniel Kenealy; Professor of International Politics John Peterson; Member of the European Parliament Former Advisor on Institutional Issues to the President of the European Council Richard Corbett

An expert team of scholars and practitioners provide a uniqe, enagaging, and current perspective on how the EU works in both theory and practice. The fifth edition of this successful textbook reflects the ongoing changes in the EU in light of the UK's departure from the union and the aftermath of the migration and Eurozone crises. A wealth of features throughout the text aid in student understanding. "How it really works" boxes demonstrate the workings of the EU in practice and challenge students to contrast with theoretical perspectives they encounter. Meanwhile, "Compared to what?" features examine aspects of the EU and its workings in relation to other entities, encouraging students to think laterally and critically about the reality of politics in the European Union. The text is supported by online resources designed to make teaching and learning more effective for both students and instructors. These include: For students: - Multiple-choice questions- A digital flashcard database For registered adopters of the textbook: - Suggested seminar questions and activities- PowerPoint slides as a basis for lecture presentations and handouts