International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity (Paperback)
Professor of International Relations and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Tim Dunne; Professor in International Relations Theory Milja Kurki; Senior Lecturer in International Relations Steve Smith
Bringing together the most influential scholars in the field, International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity provides unrivalled coverage of international relations theories and arguments. This best-selling text explores the full spectrum of theoretical perspectives and debates, ranging from the historically dominant traditions of realism, liberalism, and Marxism to postcolonialism and green theory. Each chapter is dedicated to a particular theory and features a case study that bridges theory and practice, showing how theory can be used to explain real world political dilemmas. Spotlights on key books and articles encourage readers to go beyond the textbook and explore important works in the field, and new case study questions encourage analytical thinking and help readers understand the value of applying theory to concrete political problems.