Oxford Handbook of Cancer Nursing

Acute Oncology Advanced Nurse Practitioner Michael Tadman; Senior Lecturer in Cancer and Palliative Care Dave Roberts; Nurse Consultant and Trust Lead Cancer Nurse Mark Foulkes

This second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Cancer Nursing is an essential aid to the practising cancer nurse. It provides a quick reference to the key issues in cancer nursing, and a concise and systematic.

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account of all of the main areas of cancer nursing practice. Filled with key tips and reflection points, each chapter supports professional development for the reader. The patient, their family, and the experience of cancer are at the heart of this handbook. For the new edition there is a greater focus on survivorship, drawing on recent developments in the area. The Oxford Handbook of Cancer Nursing promotes a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care, with references to current best evidence and the latest developments in treatment. Detailed guidance on complex aspects of care are outlined, integrating both psychosocial and physical care to better treat the whole patient. Written by experienced nurses, the book is laid out to enable quick access to precise, targeted information on the vast majority of potential clinical scenarios.