Lend Me Your Ears: All You Need to Know about Making Speeches and Presentations (Paperback)

Visiting Professor Max Atkinson

The room darkens and grows hushed, all eyes to the front as the screen comes to life. Eagerly the audience starts to thumb the pages of their handouts, following along breathlessly as the slides go by one after the other...We're not sure what the expected outcome was when PowerPoint first emerged as the industry standard model of presentation, but reality has shown few positive results. Research reveals that there is much about this format that audiences positively dislike, and that the old school rules of classical rhetoric are still as effective as they ever were for maximizing impact. Renowned communications researcher, consultant, and speech coach Max Atkinson presents these findings and more in a groundbreaking and refreshing approach that highlights the secrets of successful communication, and shows how anyone can put these into practice and become an effective speaker or presenter.Topics Include: . How to win and hold the attention of audiences; . Using visual aids and PowerPoint more effectively; . Getting your message across and winning applause; . Inspiring audiences; . How to prepare quickly; . Fact and fiction about body language and non-verbal communication."