The HIV Manual : A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

Director of AIDS Medical Education and Assistant Professor of Medicine David H Spach
Oxford University Press, USA

The rapidly proliferating research on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), now well in its second decade, continues to generate new information at a rate heretofore unparalleled in medicine. As a direct.

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result, the increasing variety of methods for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of HIV and AIDS has made it difficult for physicians to keep abreast of the optimal management approaches in the field. The HIV Manual is an immensely practical, accessible, and up-to-date summary of the wide range of clinically relevant information on HIV-infected adults. It deals with the key issues and frequently encountered problems in HIV clinical care, and includes a special section on the symptom-based approach to diagnosis. In addition, this concise reference contains several chapters discussing topics rarely covered in similar books on the subject, such as HIV testing, initial evaluation, future anti-HIV therapies, alternative therapies, and nutrition. The format is specifically designed for the busy practitioner's convenience. Subheadings clearly outline the principal elements of each chapter and treatment regimens are encapsulated in boxes so that needed material can be located with ease. The diagnostic and treatment guidelines are easy to follow and even where a concensus on treatment is lacking, the authors have made recommendations based on the existing data. This manual is intended to serve the information needs of health professionals involved in the care and treatment of HIV-infected patients in the clinical setting. It will also provide an easy-to-read guide for the general reader interested in finding out more about the diagnosis and prevention of HIV and AIDS.