Networking Technology: Cisco Software-Defined Wide Area Networks: Designing, Deploying and Securing Your Next Generation WAN with Cisco Sd-WAN (Hardcover)

Jason Gooley; Dana Yanch; Dustin Schuemann

This authoritative guidebook combines comprehensive coverage of Cisco SD-WAN with complete official preparation for Cisco's new CCNP Enterprise ENSDWI 300-415 certification exam. Authored by a team of Cisco architects responsible for training both Cisco and partner engineers on SD-WAN solutions, it covers all facets of the product: benefits, use cases, components, workings, configuration, support, and more. Throughout, practical examples demonstrate Cisco SD-WAN at work in diverse cloud and premises environments, and the authors show how to apply Cisco SD-WAN technologies and tools in their own real-world environments. As Cisco's official ENSDWI 300-415 study guide, this book covers all exam objectives and is organized to simplify and streamline preparation. It also contains an access code for two full practice exams delivered through Pearson's advanced test prep application.