It Essentials Labs and Study Guide Version 7


The only authorized Labs & Study Guide for the Cisco Networking Academy IT Essentials, Version 7 course IT Essentials Lab Manual is a supplemental book prepared for students in the Cisco(R) Networking Academy IT Essentials v7 course. All the hands-on labs and worksheets from the course are printed within this book to provide practical, hands-on experience with the course content. IT Essentials covers fundamental computer and career skills for entry-level IT jobs. Practicing and performing all these tasks will reinforce the concepts, skills, and procedures and help prepare the student to take the CompTIA(R) A+ 220-1001 and 220-1002 exams. Each chapter of this book is divided into a Study Guide section followed by a Lab section. The Study Guide section offers exercises that help you learn the concepts, configurations, and troubleshooting skills crucial to your success as a CompTIA(R) A+ 220-1001 and 220-1002 exam candidate. Each chapter is slightly different and includes some or all the following types of exercises: Vocabulary Matching Exercises Concept Questions Exercises Skill-Building Activities and Scenarios Packet Tracer Exercises The Labs & Activities include all the online course Labs and Packet Tracer activity instructions. If applicable, this section begins with a Command Reference that you will complete to highlight all the commands introduced in the chapter. Related titles: IT Essentials Companion Guide, Version 7 ISBN-10: 0-13-564537-9ISBN-13: 978-0-13-564537-6 IT Essentials Course Booklet, Version 7 ISBN-10: 0-13-561216-0ISBN-13: 978-0-13-561216-3