Technical Communication, MLA Update (Paperback)

John M Lannon; Professor Laura J Gurak

For courses in Technical Communication. This version of Technical Communication has been updated to reflect the 8th Edition of the MLA Handbook (April 2016)* Comprehensive, user-friendly instruction.

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in workplace writing, technical communication, business writing Today's employees are tasked with writing documents such as emails, memos, letters, and informal reports, as well as more complex forms of communications such as formal reports, proposals, web pages, and presentations. Technical Communication, Fourteenth Edition builds upon the authority of the previous editions by clearly guiding students to write documents persuasively, effectively, and with an eye towards technological innovations and global communications. It incorporates the interpersonal, logical, ethical, and cultural demands of these different forms of workplace communications and provides students with the necessary skills to navigate these nuisances. Building on research and writing skills and touching on the importance of ethics, the authors prepare students for technical writing in any field. * The 8th Edition introduces sweeping changes to the philosophy and details of MLA works cited entries. Responding to the "increasing mobility of texts," MLA now encourages writers to focus on the process of crafting the citation, beginning with the same questions for any source. These changes, then, align with current best practices in the teaching of writing which privilege inquiry and critical thinking over rote recall and rule-following.