Industrial Safety and Health Management
C Ray Asfahl; David W Rieske
Pearson Education
For senior/graduate-level courses in Industrial Safety, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Technology, and Operations Management. An engaging approach to time-tested concepts in industrial safety and health.
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With a unique, engaging approach, Industrial Safety and Health Management , 7th Edition combines an exploration of the time-tested concepts and techniques of safety and health management with a modern perspective on compliance, mandatory standards for workplace safety and health, and a variety of solved problems and exercises. Current, relevant content holds readers' interest, while numerous case studies apply major concepts to real-life scenarios and problems. The 7th Edition covers the sweeping changes to the Hazard Communication standard with the adoption of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and incorporates a variety of new and important topics in industrial safety, including the gig economy, Big Data, and the impact of fatigue on workers' health.
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