Clinical Pocket Guide for Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing
Donita T D'Amico; Colleen Barbarito
Pearson Education
Clinical Pocket Guide for Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing is a resource that can be used by novice students and professional nurses alike. For students who don't take a separate health assessment.
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course who want to supplement their medical-surgical nursing text, the Clinical Pocket Guide is designed to be used as a health assessment primer; it guides the user through the steps of collecting health assessment data. The focus of this text is comprehensive health assessment, which includes the collection of subjective and objective data. Subjective data encompasses both the patient's health history and the focused interview. The nurse collects objective data during the physical assessment. This is a student supplement associated with: Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing, 3/e Donita D'Amico Colleen Barbarito ISBN: 0133876403
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