Content Area Reading : Teaching and Learning for College and Career Readiness, Pearson Etext with Loose-Leaf Version -- Access Card Package
Maureen McLaughlin
Pearson Education
This title is only available as a loose-leaf version with Pearson eText. A comprehensive resource for future and in-service grade 6 - 12 teachers, Content Area Reading, 2/e provides a unique, Common Core-based, student-centered approach using innovative features to help students make connections between what they read and how they apply it in the classroom; the book translates theory into practice through a wide range of innovative instructional approaches. The teaching ideas are initially taught using explicit instruction to scaffold student learning, and student examples from a variety of disciplines are featured throughout the text, along with a variety of readily available teaching resources. With a central theme of multiple literacies and their effects on today's teachers and classrooms, the book emphasizes today's need to be able to reading and write and also to understand a variety of disciplines, navigate a myriad of information sources, examine the author's intent, and comprehend beyond the printed pages. The new edition features an entirely new chapter on the Common Core, in which both the College and Career Readiness Standards and the Common Core State Standards are emphasized and "rich instructional tasks" are introduced; a new "Making Connections to the Common Core" feature that appears throughout the text; updated theoretical information; revised websites; and numerous new student examples integrated throughout. In addition, the Appendixes have been revitalized to include a variety of new graphic organizers that focus on using multi-modal text and recognizing and creating text structures, plus new examples of completed student projects. 0133830950 / 9780133830958 Content Area Reading: Teaching and Learning in an Age of Multiple Literacies, Loose-Leaf Version with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0133520668 / 9780133520668 Content Area Reading: Teaching and Learning for College and Career Readiness, Loose-Leaf Version 0133827615 / 9780133827613 Content Area Reading: Teaching and Learning for College and Career Readiness, Pearson eText -- Access Card