Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction in an Era of Common Core Standards : Helping Every Child Succeed, Pearson Etext with Loose-Leaf Version - Access Card Package

D Ray Reutzel; Robert B Cooter

This title is only available as a loose-leaf version with Pearson eText. A quick, effective, point-of-teaching resource that gives future and practicing teachers access to the best teaching strategies for today's classrooms. This best seller is a much-used primary text in reading/literacy assessment and instruction courses, a popular reference compendium for practicing educators and pre-service teachers, and a success-proven resource for ongoing professional development. Readers can quickly turn to current information on evidence-based assessment and instruction strategies and determine the best teaching strategies using the authors' popular "IF-THEN" approach and charts. Featured in this new edition are clear explanations of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts for every grade level, with links to evidence-based assessment and teaching practices. 0133783642 / 9780133783643 Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction: In a Common Core Era, Loose-Leaf Version with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 5/e Package consists of: 0133488810 / 9780133488814 Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction: In a Common Core Era, Loose-Leaf Version 013382442X / 9780133824421 Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction: In a Common Core Era, Pearson eText -- Access Card