Siop: Response to Intervention (Rti) and English Learners: Using the Siop Model (Paperback)

Jana Echevarria; Cara Richards-Tutor; MaryEllen Vogt

This authoritative guide for ensuring all students are able to achieve high standards is an essential resource for educators in any school with English learners. It provides practical help for designing.

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and implementing effective RTI programs using the SIOP(R) Model, and ensuring the appropriate type of instruction that English leaners need and deserve. Response to Intervention (RTI) and English Learners, 2/e includes important background information on RTI; examines the academic and linguistic challenges that English learners face; and covers appropriate and effective multi-tier instruction, assessment, and intervention with RTI, specifically for English learners. The authors include recommendations for implementing the eight components of the SIOP(R) Model for Tier 1 within an RTI framework, and additional suggestions for implementing RTI in secondary schools.