Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings

Shane P Desselle; David P Zgarrick; Greg Alston
McGraw-Hill Education

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text on pharmacy management - updated to reflect the latest trends and topics Pharmacy Management is a comprehensive textbook that combines evidence-based management theories with practical solutions for the issues pharmacists face every day. Enhanced by input from educators, researchers, students and practicing pharmacists, this edition addresses the evolving role of pharmacists in today's every-changing environment. Covering the gamut of activities performed by pharmacists, from managing money to managing personal stress, this complete guide explains vital pharmacy management topics across all practice settings. Featuring material derived from the best and most contemporary primary literature, Pharmacy Management focuses on learning the skills essential to the everyday practice of pharmacy. Long after you've completed pharmacy school, you'll turn to Pharmacy Management for answers to make your practice more professionally rewarding and personally enriching.