All in One: Comptia Linux+ / Lpic-1 Certification All-In-One Exam Guide (Exams Lx0-103 & Lx0-104 / 101-400 & 102-400) (Other)
Robb H Tracy
McGraw-Hill Education
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2015 update to the CompTIA Linux+/LPIC-1 objectives, this value-packed exam guide covers the leading vendor-neutral credential for Linux and comes with a virtual machine configured for hands-on exercises, video training, and hundreds of practice exam questions. Get complete coverage of all the objectives included on CompTIA Linux+ exams LX0-103 and LX0-104 and LPIC-1 exams 101-400 and 102-400 from this up-to-date resource. Written by a Linux expert and technology trainer, the book provides learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, practice exam questions, and in-depth answer explanations. Designed to help you pass these challenging exams, this definitive volume also serves as an essential on-the-job reference.Covers all exam topics, including how to: Work with the Linux shellUse the vi text editorManage Linux files and directoriesInstall Linux and manage the boot processConfigure the graphical environmentManage software and hardwareManage users, groups, file systems, and processesAdminister ownership, permissions, and quotasWrite shell scriptsManage network settings and servicesSecure Linux and use encryptionElectronic content includes: 200+ practice exam questionsVirtual machine with custom configurations for select chapter exercises50+ video clipsPDF copy of the bookSave 10% on CompTIA exam vouchers for any CompTIA certification! See inside the book for details.
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