Do-It-Yourself Sustainable Water Projects: Collect, Store, Purify, and Drill for Water (Paperback)

Paul Dempsey
McGraw-Hill Education

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GUIDE TO BUILDING 10 INEXPENSIVE PROJECTS THAT HELP YOU CONSERVE WATER ... SO SIMPLE YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF!People can live without SUVs, jet travel, and numerous other luxuries. But no life, human or otherwise, can survive without our most precious natural resource: water.Do-it-Yourself Sustainable Water Projects offers a basis for understanding the importance of conserving water, explains how the lack of it affects differentregions around the world, and provides practical information on how to collect, store, purify, and drill for this magical substance.In this easy-to-follow guide, master mechanic Paul Dempsey provides costeffective ways we can reduce or eliminate our dependence on public water supplies. Everything you need to know to create 10 inexpensive waterprojects is here -- from collecting rainwater and air conditioner condensate to properly drilling and constructing pump systems. These projects areaccompanied by step-by-step instructions, drawings, photos, and even sources for inexpensive parts -- so you can do it yourself.Whether you're interested in becoming knowledgeable about insufficient global water supplies or you just want to conserve water -- from creating a composting toilet to building a rainwater harvesting system -- this book isan effective way to help save our most critical resource.Do-it-Yourself Sustainable Water Projects includes information on: 10 inexpensive water projectsHow to adjust behavior to conserve waterList of resources including web sites, published texts, and vendorsCalculating your "water footprint"Pumps and related componentsEasy-to-follow ways to drill for waterGetting water from air"Water vulnerability"