Design of Wood Structures--ASD / LRFD
Donald E Breyer; Kelly Cobeen; Kenneth J Fridley
McGraw-Hill Education
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WOOD STRUCTURE DESIGN GUIDE -- FULLY UPDATEDThoroughly revised to incorporate the latest codes and standards, the seventh edition of this comprehensive resource leads you through the complete design of a wood structure following the same sequence of materials and elements used in actual design. Detailed equations, clearillustrations, and practical design examples are featured throughout the text.THIS NEW EDITION: Conforms to the 2012 International Building Code (IBC)Addresses the new 2012 National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS)Contains dual-format Allowable Stress Design/Load and Resistance Factor Design (ASD/LRFD) specifications, equations, and problemsIncludes ASCE/SEI 7-10 load provisionsDESIGN OF WOOD STRUCTURES--ASD/LRFD, SEVENTH EDITION, COVERS: Wood buildings and design criteriaDesign loadsBehavior of structures under loads and forcesProperties of wood and lumber gradesStructural glued laminated timberBeam designAxial forces and combined loadingWood structural panelsDiaphragmsShearwallsWood connectionsNailed connectionsBolts, lag bolts, and other connectorsConnection details and hardwareDiaphragm-to-shearwall anchorageAdvanced topics in lateral force design
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