Water and Wastewater Engineering, Professional Edition : Design Principles and Practice
MacKenzie L Davis
McGraw-Hill Education
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.An In-Depth Guide.
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to Water and Wastewater EngineeringThis authoritative volume offers comprehensive coverage of the design and construction of municipal water and wastewater facilities. The book addresses water treatment in detail, following the flow of water through the unit processes and coagulation, flocculation, softening, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, and residuals management. Each stage of wastewater treatment--preliminary, secondary, and tertiary--is examined along with residuals management.Water and Wastewater Engineering contains more than 100 example problems, 500 end-of-chapter problems, and 300 illustrations. Safety issues and operation and maintenance procedures are also discussed in this definitive resource.Coverage includes: Intake structures and wellsChemical handling and storageCoagulation and flocculationLime-soda and ion exchange softeningReverse osmosis and nanofiltration SedimentationGranular and membrane filtrationDisinfection and fluoridationRemoval of specific constituentsDrinking water plant residuals management, process selection, and integrationStorage and distribution systemsWastewater collection and treatment design considerationsSanitary sewer designHeadworks and preliminary treatmentPrimary treatmentWastewater microbiologySecondary treatment by suspended and attached growth biological processesSecondary settling, disinfection, and postaerationTertiary treatmentWastewater plant residuals managementClean water plant process selection and integration
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