Project Management: Project Risk Management (Paperback)

Bruce T Barkley
McGraw-Hill Education

Risk Management -- A Clear and Uncomplicated Approach to Business and Project Risk-- Here is risk, simply put, with practical stories and cases Barkley's approach to project risk management includes and enhances the current Project Management Institute Body of Knowledge on risk. Clearly spelling out simplified steps and useable risk matrix format, making risk management a team-based art as well as a science, Project Risk Management shows you why do risk and how to: * Save time in identifying, categorizing, ranking, and assessing risks * Integrate contingency plans into the project schedule * Apply practical templates and formats * "Demystify" risk and integrate risk into business and project planning and control * Link business strategy and business planning to project risk * Create risk-based schedules using MS Project software PERT analysis tools * Relate risk to cost control and budget issues * "Shield" business projects from risk by addressing risk early and often as part of the project planning and review process * Pose questions and answers on risk for company education and training For the business and project professional looking for "doable" risk methods, there is no better reference than Bruce Barkley's Project Risk Management. Put it to work to improve your project risk profile today!