Tab Electronics: The Audiophile's Project Sourcebook (Paperback)

G Randy Slone
McGraw-Hill Education

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PROJECT SOURCEBOOKBuild audio projects that produce great sound for far less than they cost in the store, with audio hobbyists' favorite writer Randy Slone. In The Audiophile's Project Sourcebook, Slone gives you--- Clear, illustrated schematics and instructions for high-quality, high-power electronic audio components that you can build at home- Carefully constructed designs for virtually all standard high-end audio projects, backed by an author who answers his email- 8 power-amp designs that suit virtually any need- Instructions for making your own inexpensive testing equipment- Comprehensible explanations of the electronics at work in the projects you want to construct, spiced with humor and insight into the electronics hobbyist's process- Complete parts lists"The Audiophile's Project Sourcebook" is devoid of the hype, superstition, myths, and expensive fanaticism often associated with 'high-end' audio systems. It provides straightforward help in building and understanding top quality audio electronic projects that are based on solid science and produce fantastic sound!THE PROJECTS YOU WANT, FOR LESSBalanced input driver/receiver circuitsSignal conditioning techniquesVoltage amplifiersPreamps for home and stageTone controlsPassive and active filtersParametric filtersGraphic equalizersBi-amping and tri-amping filtersHeadphone amplifiersPower amplifiersSpeaker protection systemsClip detection circuitsPower suppliesDelay circuitsLevel indicatorsHomemade test equipment