Voices of Messianic Judaism: Confronting Critical Issues Facing a Maturing Movement (Paperback)
Daniel C Cohn-Sherbok
Messianic Jewish Publisher
Here is a collection of substantive articles compiled to focus discussion on some weighty matters facing the Messianic Jewish movement. Reform rabbi, Dr. Dan Cohn-Sherbok, though not a Messianic Jew, is.
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a friend of the movement. He believes that Messianic Judaism may be considered a branch of Judaism in this century. Professor of Judaism at the University of Wales, author of over 30 books, Rabbi Cohn-Sherbok guided the selection of topics addressed in this book. Here are some examples: Should Jewish believers in Messiah attend only Messianic Jewish congregations? Is intermarriage acceptable for Messianic Jews? Should liturgy have an essential role in congregational worship? How should outreach be accomplished? Many of the best minds impacting this movement have contributed their thoughts to this book, creating a lively, informative, discussion. Each author, expressing his or her own view on a topic (often in direct opposition to another author), is a voice that can help this maturing movement confront the critical issues facing it. 256 pages.
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