Cover Image of ISBN 9780553298055

Assault at Selonia: Star Wars Legends (The Corellian Trilogy)

Roger MacBride Allen
Del Rey Books

Imprisoned on the planet Corellia, Han Solo findshimself at the mercy of his evil cousin, ThrackenSal-Solo. Thracken plans to restore the Imperialsystem and seize total power -- no matter what thecost..

Han has one chance to stop him. But to do sohe must turn his back on his human cousin and joinforces with a female alien. Dracmus was arrestedas a ringleader in a plot against the corrupt HumanLeague. Now she and Han will attempt a daringescape to Selonia in time to warn Leia, LukeSkywalker, and Lando of Thracken's plan. But can Han trustthe alien to keep her word? Meanwhile,other questions threaten the New Republic -- and thelives of millions. Who is behind the deadlyStarbuster plot? Why is someone attempting to takepossession of Corellia's powerful planetary repulsors?And what is the secret behind the mysteriousCenterpoint Station, and ancient, artificial world ofunknown origin that has suddenly -- andinexplicably -- come alive?