Lucifer's Hammer : A Novel

Larry Niven; Jerry Pournelle
Random House Publishing Group

The first satisfying end-of-the-world novel in years . . . an ultimate one . . . massively entertaining.Cleveland Plain-DealerThe gigantic comet had slammed into Earth, forging earthquakes a thousand times.

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too powerful to measure on the Richter scale, tidal waves thousands of feet high. Cities were turned into oceans; oceans turned into steam. It was the beginning of a new Ice Age and the end of civilization. But for the terrified men and women chance had saved, it was also the dawn of a new struggle for survivala struggle more dangerous and challenging than any they had ever known. . . .Take your earthquakes, waterlogged condominiums, swarms of bugs, colliding airplanes and flaming what-nots, wrap them up and they wouldnt match one page of Lucifers Hammerfor sweaty-palmed suspense.Chicago Daily News